
Welcome to Feng Shui and Space Clearing


A Feng Shui Consultation and/or a Space Clearing raises the energy level in your living and working environment. These spaces will in return support relaxation, harmony and creativity, thus enhance your life quality.


In the last 20 years I worked in many countries, such as India, Italy, USA, Austria, Brasil..

I have been transforming lawyers and doctors offices, beauty salons, shops, agencies as well as many private homes, from the 500 squaremeter villa to a single room in a shared home. In case you want to renovate or even build from scretch I am happy to go along with you.


Each consultation is one of a kind. My experience as a healer and certified business coach supports me to perceive each clients requirements and wants.


For further information, I have enclosed an introduction to my work. 

I would definitely prefer to meet you in person or talk to you on the phone.

My telephone No is 08151 - 99 81 98.

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© Virag von Richthofen

Feng Shui und Space Clearing im Fünfseenland, München, Bayern, Deutschland, Europa.

Für mehr Harmonie, Kreativität, Erfolg und Wohlbefinden in Haus, Wohnung, Praxis, Agentur, Laden und Praxis. Optimale Raumenergie durch Feng-Shui Beratung.


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