
"If you want to change your life, change 27 things in your house"

Chinese proverb


Feng Shui, the ancient system of environmental placement, sees the world as completely alive with everything, including buildings, streets and property, interconnected in a dynamic relationship that affects everything we experience.


In a consultation I look at the surrounding, floor plan, architectural structures,

materials, colours, furniture placement, landscaping, and, most important, I look at the inhabitants:

how you want to live your life, what is going well for you, what you would like to enhance, what do you like in your enviroment, what makes you feel comfortable....


Then we will go through the house and I point out whatever I notice with my Feng Shui Eyes. I give suggestions and explain why and what the given situation implies. Mostly the cures are easy and simple. If needed, I recommend you as an additional service a Space Clearing, which  clears and purifies the energy. 

Att.: the cost for the drive is free about 50 km around Munich and Starnberg. Do you live further away, even in another country, we will find a solution, that will fit us both.

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© Virag von Richthofen

Feng Shui und Space Clearing im Fünfseenland, München, Bayern, Deutschland, Europa.

Für mehr Harmonie, Kreativität, Erfolg und Wohlbefinden in Haus, Wohnung, Praxis, Agentur, Laden und Praxis. Optimale Raumenergie durch Feng-Shui Beratung.


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