
Space Clearing


Space Clearing is a specialized branch of Feng Shui that works at even deeper levels by cleansing and purifying the chi of a building, thus enhancing the quality and nature of the energy in the space. 


Imagine, that everything that has happened in a space, as fights, quarrels or even disease, is capable of leaving its trace. These traces are not seen but can influence the inhabitants in a subtle way. Especially when you move to a new place clearing the energy can make  a huge difference.


Feng Shui always works better and faster when done in conjunction with Space Clearing.

That is why I give a reduction when both are booked together.

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© Virag von Richthofen

Feng Shui und Space Clearing im Fünfseenland, München, Bayern, Deutschland, Europa.

Für mehr Harmonie, Kreativität, Erfolg und Wohlbefinden in Haus, Wohnung, Praxis, Agentur, Laden und Praxis. Optimale Raumenergie durch Feng-Shui Beratung.


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